Friday, February 15, 2013

Book #3

Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen

Before I even start, how weird is the cover? This is the exact book cover of my book and I really tried to not judge it, but I don't understand it. I think the dissected, bald skull/head is referencing Elinor and her sense, and the tie-dye heart is referencing Marianne's sensibility. I have no clue who that picture is of... It's a very odd cover. 

Anyways, I finished "Sense and Sensibility" a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't had the chance to sit down and write about it until now. I can't remember my exact feelings and criticisms that I had when I finished it, but maybe blogging about my overall feeling now is more valuable than the immediate reactions that I had for the book. 

I am trying to go through all of Austen's novels, and "Sense and Sensibility" is my second of the six. I read "Pride and Prejudice" first, and loved it, as usual. This is the first time I read "Sense and Sensibility" and I did not really enjoy it. I thought it was unnecessarily  long, and filled with unimportant details. The plot did not move very quickly or evenly, and the passing of time was confusing. I also did not like many of the characters. The way I rate my characters is if I would want to be friends with any of them, or have any of them in my life, and the answer to both of those questions for "Sense and Sensibility" was no. I think that is what it comes down to. I did not enjoy the characters, and could not relate to them, so their lives and struggles were not very engaging. Another factor was that everything was too extreme. You either have Elinor, who shows no emotions, ever, or you have Marianne, who is too emotional, always, at every point in the plot. Why can there be no middle ground? And the men! I did not like any of them! 

Although I was not such a fan of the book, I am a fan of Austen, and her writing makes me happy. I think "Emma" is next on my reading list, and I hope I enjoy that more than "Sense and Sensibility." It's ok to not love a book, even if you love the author. "Sense and Sensibility" was not my favorite, but I'm glad it's number three on my list for 2013.

(I'm excited to watch the film adaptations of the book! Maybe I'll like those better, though I dont think that's possible. Movies are never better than the books, says the girl who has a blog devoted to them.)

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